
A New Tax Tear Begins – 2023-24

Happy New Year from your Accountant, it’s 6th April. I wish I had some wonderful news from our recent Chancellors to share with you as we head into the new tax year. Not so Good news For 2023/24 personal allowances have been frozen at £12,570. In Scotland the basic tax rate of tax is 21%…Read More


You are only ever one thought away from happiness

Now that the stressful months of December and January have passed It is time to take stock so that it doesn’t have to be that way again in the future. The stressed worker I was reading a major piece of research published in 2022 by caba, an ICAEW charity, found that more than half (56%)…Read More


Seven tips to have a better day

At Business Oxygen, we recognise that your wellbeing is essential for your business success. The business is often a reflection of the business owner(s). If the owner is not doing well then the likelihood is that the business will also struggle. Our goal therefore is to look at it holistically and ensure your wellbeing so that the business can thrive.


Changes to the furlough scheme & Self-employed Grant (SEIS) – July 2021

Important changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough) come into force from 1st July 221, with employers now required to contribute a percentage towards their employees wages for hours normally worked but not worked due to furlough. 1 July 2021 -The government will reimburse employers 70% of a furloughed employee’s salary (up to £2,187.50…Read More


Dealing with Stress in a difficult environment

how do we cope with the stress in this difficult environment?


Personal Tax Account

Creating your own Personal Tax Account can be very handy for you to be able to communicate with HMRC with regard to doing the following: click to read more